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Luis Álvarez of Mexico, finisher of more than 120 Ironman events and recently summited Mt. Everest but suffered retinal damage and was blinded from the thin air.  This is his first race back since regaining his sight at the 2016 Ironman Vineman on July 30  in Sonoma County, California

2016 Ironman Vineman

Luis Álvarez of Mexico, finisher of more than 120 Ironman events and recently summited Mt. Everest but suffered retinal damage and was blinded from the thin air. This is his first race back since regaining his sight at the 2016 Ironman Vineman on July 30 in Sonoma County, California

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Luis Alvarez, Sonoma County, Timex, Triathlon, Vineman, blueseven, ironman
Larry Rosa
Image ID
File Size
3456px × 2304px